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What is the financial lease?

“Financial Lease” is a type of lease in which a finance company is typically the legal owner of the asset during the duration of a lease and when the tenor of the lease comes to an end, lessor transfers the ownership title to the lessee. Leasing item can be the asset purchased by the lessor or manufactured by a third party upon request of the lessor.

Steps of taking financial leasing services


Leasing services seems complicated, but it can be simply expressed as follows.

Leasing services seems complicated, but it can be simply expressed as follows.
1. To choose equipment
2. To complete documents and to apply for financial leasing
3. To establish Leasing agreement
4. To receive equipment

If you are in need financial leasing service, you can submit Online Application now.

Financial leasing terms


Down payment
1,4% - 1,8%
1,0% - 1,2%
Interest rate (per month)
6 months
12 months
24 months
36 months
Lease tenor
Upfront fee*

* Upfront fee is paid one time only and based on financial leasing total amount. If total amount is higher, upfront fee is calculated according to the “General Terms and Conditions of Financial Lease.

  • Head office of Trade and Development Bank, room no.707 Peace Avenue 19, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 14210, Mongolia